Here Comes Merkel
Today’s polling data from Germany indicates that Angela Merkel and her coalition’s lead over the SPD is growing. Many of the German media have hyped the ever so slight dip in the CDU poll numbers of some sort of self-fulfilling prophecy of their own wishes.
Virtually all of the German media seems to have been trumpeting the collapse of the CDU coalition over the last several weeks. It now appears as though none of this wishful thinking, hopes and dreams is at all likely!
The left has been seeking to change the scope of the dialogue for the last month or so. First, it tried to create it’s own fictional bandwagon by creating the sense that the Merkel coalition was slipping in the polls. The attempt seemed quite clear: Lets create the perception, and watch the public jump on! When the facts did not support this assertion, it was on to Plan B, which was to float out the idea of a Grand Coalition. Problem is… both the SPD and the CDU have “publicly” denounced this option, rendering as much as impossible.
With today’s polling data by FORSA, the attempts by the left to camouflage the reality of the situation is becoming quite clear. With the CDU at 43%, SPD at 29%, Left at 9%, FDP at 8% and the Greens at 7%, I know of no natural coalition that the SPD can put together that would garner a majority. Public statements by Joscka Fischer and Herr Shroeder regarding Oskar LaFontaine may even preclude the Left alliance from joining any SPD group.
The scary reality of the present situation in Germany is the depth of the current malaise. The fact that nearly 40% of the German electorate is actually hoping for a grand coalition tends to prove this point. Is the public support for this Germany’s way of “giving up?” Would a grand coalition be able to convince the electorate that they must make huge sacrifices now for the good of their children and grandchildren? Or is it merely a matter that they don’t trust either the SPD or the CDU? And if so, how does it make any sense to put BOTH of the mistrusted parties into power?
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